Iniciar sesión
Suscríbete a una garantía ampliada y únete a la lista del boletín.
Para una mayor seguridad, Makita le pide una contraseña más segura para su cuenta
We recently updated our site to new ones while also improving our privacy. Therefore, we need to ask that you order a new password for your account from the 'Forgot Password' link. You will receive a new password in your email to log in to your account. If you don't hear the message, check your spam folder. After logging in, you can change the password to your liking from your own contacts.
In case of problems, please contact: OR 09 8578 830
If you are creating a new account or have already ordered a new password and managed to log in, this procedure is not valid.
We apologize for the inconvenience of changing your password.
Makita Oy